Saturday, February 1, 2014

Getting Started with EBCD

Before getting started, please download EBCD demo or buy full version.

  • 1. Burning CD
    • 1.1. Burning with ImgBurn
    • 1.2. Burning with Nero
  • 2. Setting up BIOS
    • 2.1. Setting up AMI BIOS
    • 2.2. Setting up Award BIOS
    • 2.3. Setting up Dell BIOS
    • 2.4. Setting up Phoenix BIOS
  • 3. Troubleshooting
    • 3.1. Verifying correctness of the burn

1. Burning CD

1.1. Burning with ImgBurn

ImgBurn is a freeware tool, capable of burning ISO image files, in particular EBCD.
Download, install and run ImgBurn. You should see something like this on your screen.
Select "Write image file to disc" option here. Next screen:
Select EBCD ISO file from folder where you have stored it during download. Then insert media you're going to burn, CD-RW in this example. ImgBurn displays its technical details in the right side of the window.
Then click large picture "image file -> CD" to start burning.
If CD burning was finished successfully, BurnImg displays this window:

1.2. Burning with Nero

Ahead Nero is a powerful but commercial CD burning tool.
Install Nero and start tool called "Nero Burning ROM". You should see something like this:
Click Cancel to close this window, then open Recorder -> Burn Image... in main menu.
Select EBCD ISO file from folder where you have stored it during download.
Then Nero Burning ROM asks you about burning speed and mode, defaults should be OK. Make sure media is inserted before clicking "Burn".
Burning in progress:
If CD burning was finished successfully, Nero displays this window:

2. Setting up BIOS

Generic procedure is as follows:
  1. Start with your computer turned off.
  2. Turn on the computer. As it starts it should display an option to enter the system set up menu, or BIOS, commonly reached by keys like DELETE, F1, F2, F10, F12 or Alt+S. Use whichever keystroke is indicated on screen. In some cases your computer may display a graphic while it starts. Typically, pressing Esc will dismiss the graphic and allow you to see the necessary messages.
  3. Find the setting that controls which devices the system boots from. This is usually labeled as the "Boot Order" and commonly shown as a list of devices, such as Floppy, CD-ROM, First Hard Disk, and so on.
    Make sure that CD-ROM is selected as a first priority boot device. Make the change, then save and exit. (In case of doubt, you should consult the manual that came with your computer, and/or its motherboard.) The computer should now restart.
Some computers have option to boot once from CD-ROM/HDD/Floppy/USB device. Keep tapping the F8 button at boot time and then choose to boot from CD-ROM when boot menu comes up.
The rest of this section contains detailed description of this procedure for different motherboard and BIOS vendors.

2.1. Setting up AMI BIOS

AMI BIOS usually requires you to press DEL key to enter setup
Choose the BOOT menu and set Boot Device Priority option: set first boot device to CDROM and second boot device to HARD DRIVE. Now you can press F10 to save settings.

2.2. Setting up Award BIOS

On Award Bios you will see something like this screen. Press a key required to enter BIOS setup:
Now choose Advanced Bios Features
and set First Boot Device to CDROM and Second or third to HDD-0 and Press F10 to save it.

2.3. Setting up Dell BIOS

On some Dell Systems you can enter BIOS by pressing F2
Now choose Boot Sequence and then assign CD-ROM to first position by pressing and + and press space to enable it (when enabled, it is marked by asterisk *). Press ESC and choose "save settings and exit".
On some Dell Systems you can press F12 to boot from CD one time.

2.4. Setting up Phoenix BIOS

Press F2 to enter BIOS setup:
and set Boot Sequence to A,CDROM,C. Then press Esc and F10 to save it.

3. Troubleshooting

3.1. Verifying correctness of the burn

Sometimes EBCD does not boot because it was burned incorrectly.
To verify that EBCD is burned correctly, open "My computer", then right click on your CD/DVD drive and select "Open" from popup menu:
CD content opens, where you should see folders "boot" and "help" and file "autorun" (or "autorun.inf"):
If you see something else, for example, single file named "ebcd-...", like this:
then you have burned CD incorrectly and you should retry.

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